Buying Property in Italy as a Foreigner and How To Remain in The Country

Buying Real Estate
Italian Real Estate Podcast EP 3:
Buying Property in Italy as a Foreigner and How To Remain in The Country

In this episode of the Italian Real Estate Podcast, hosts Marco Permunian, an Italian attorney, along with content creator, Rafael Di Furia talk about how to move to remain in Italy if you are considering the possibility of purchasing property in Italy. When considering a move to Italy, how to get a visa for Italy and how to get a permesso di soggiorno become things that are quite important. This is especially true if you would like to stay in Italy for a longer period than what a tourist visa would allow. How to get a permesso di soggiorno will depend on your specific circumstances. Marco and Rafael also go over the topic of what kinds of permission of stays exist which would allow a person to live in Italy.

For help with buying a home in Italy and more information about Italian Real Estate Lawyers visit IREL’s website

To contact Italian Attorney Marco Permunian and his team you can use the contact form on the Italian Real Estate Lawyers website

Also to see more from Rafael Di Furia about life in Italy and life as a dual citizen check out his YouTube channel:

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