Homeownership is dying and we are becoming a renter nation because of a perfect storm of conditions that’s making it increasingly hard for individuals to buy a home. There’s a lot of factors causing this, but in this video, I’m gonna analyze one of them. Institutional home buyers. Because in the history of real estate investing, it’s relatively new for institutions to buy single family homes, but the investment strategy was years in the making.
0:00 Intro
0:23 How we got here
1:19 The Strategy
2:38 M&A Activity
3:53 Affect on Pricing
My name is Derek- I’m The Proptech Scout (and a real estate developer). I’m on a mission to find best-in-class proptech that real estate developers and landlords want to use, and I’m documenting it all on this channel and https://www.theproptechscout.com
Are you a proptech startup founder looking to get more exposure to customers? Or a real estate owner looking to improve efficiency through technology? For 1-on-1 advisory services, reach out to me on linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/derek-hsiang-4576774
#realestateinvesting #homebuying #privateequity