To share five of the best ways to reduce your taxable income, Amanda Han and Matt MacFarland from Keystone CPA have joined us once again. Today, they walk through the five most popular ways real estate investors specifically can shelter their wealth from taxes all while continuing to grow their portfolio. If you were hit with a high tax bill this year, it may be a great time to incorporate some of these tax-saving strategies!
Are you taking advantage of any of these strategies to reduce your taxable income? Did we miss any big ones on our list? Let us know in the comments below!
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6 Ways to Reduce Your Taxable Income:
How to Swap ‘Til You Drop:
Swap ‘Til You Drop: Multifamily Tax Avoidance Tips from Closing Table to Inheritance
A New Way to Reduce Taxes on Rental Income:
Tax Reform Update: A New Way to Reduce Taxes on Rental Income
Work with Keystone CPA on Your 2022 Taxes:
Connect with Amanda and Matt on BiggerPockets:
00:00 Income Shifting to Reduce Your Taxes
00:23 1. To Family Members
01:10 2. To Corporations
01:53 3. To a Different Tax Year
02:13 4. To an Indefinite Date
02:37 5. To…Never?
03:12 BONUS Tip: Swap ‘Til You Drop!