House Flip Update: Starting A New Contractor and Winter Flip Tips. Bought 8/24/2020

We bought this house a few weeks ago from a wholesaler. The property needed some work but is not in bad shape. We have 11 flips going and multiple rental property rehabs so we need a lot of people working on jobs for us and we are using a new contractor on this property.

The house had the sewer back up before we bought it and while the sewer line was repaired and the mess was cleaned up, there is major drywall damage and other work that needs to be done in the basement.

We started a new contractor on the work doing a small part of the house. We always like to start small with new people because it avoids disasters if they do not work out. We had the new contractor who was a referral from one of our other contractors repair the drywall and install doors.

You can see how he did and he was very affordable so we will be using him again on bigger jobs to see how well he does. After a trial period we with new people we can pretty much give them all the work they can handle!

I alos go over a number of things to look out for on vacant houses as winter approaches!

Here is the before video on this one.

Here is an article that goes over how we find and work with contractors.

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Mark Ferguson’s purpose is to help as many people as he can become financially free through real estate.
Mark has been a real estate investor and real estate agent since 2001, after graduating from the University of Colorado. Mark has flipped close to 200 houses and routinely flips 15 to 25 houses a year. Mark owns 170,000 square feet of rentals and is the managing broker and owner of Blue Steel Real Estate. Mark has also written 9 books that you can find on Amazon
Mark started InvestFourMore in March of 2013 to discuss his rental property investing techniques. Mark expanded InvestFourMore to talk about his flipping business and real estate agent business. InvestFourMore now has 300,000 views a month and is one of the top real estate blogs.
House Flip Before and After Playlist:
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