Edmonton Housing Market Update / Edmonton Real Estate Market Update – September 2020

Selling Real Estate
Curious how the Edmonton Housing Market did this September 2020 in Edmonton? 🏡

Tune in and listen as Melody Wilson, Edmonton Realtor with RE/MAX Elite talks about what has been going on in the Edmonton real estate market as we enter the fall of 2020.

Find out about what the Edmonton real estate board statistics show, why, and how this could affect your home buying or home selling in Edmonton and surrounding areas.

Are you a family looking to upgrade, downsize, build? Maybe you’re looking to be first time home buyers? This video is for you!

For weekly Edmonton housing market updates – follow us on Facebook at ➨ https://www.facebook.com/edmontonhouses/

If you are wondering how this market impacts you specifically, or you’re thinking of selling or buying in 2020 make sure you sit down with a professional, full time Realtor to talk about how the market will impact your purchase or sale. Melody would be happy to discuss how to put a plan together that would work for your needs, call her at 587-805-2316.

Look no further and watch this video NOW!

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Melody Wilson is an Edmonton Realtor® with RE/MAX Elite, and a happily married Mom to 3 great kids! Melody and her gang like to explore Edmonton, always checking out current events, festivals, museums, playgrounds, and restaurants! (Check out our Edmonton food blog!) Melody loves all things Edmonton, including the real estate market – she’s been a realtor basically all her life, growing up in the industry and officially licensed since 2009 (loving it so much it’s her full time job) and is thankful to work with great clients when buying or selling in Edmonton! In the past 5 years she’s helped over 400 families buy and sell in Edmonton and area.

Feel free to share with your friends and family, and subscribe to our channel for more great content on YEG, plus tag a friend, follow us on social media, or call us for your real estate needs or to chat living in Edmonton!

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Want to get in touch with Melody Wilson?
You can reach her at melody@relife.ca or 587-805-2316

Your source for Everything Edmonton: www.liveinedmonton.ca
Real Estate Questions: www.relife.ca

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