Can You Make Money Flipping Houses 2020?(Beginner Real Estate Flipper)

#flippinghousesin2020 #flippinghousesforbeginners #realestateinvesting

Question-Can you make money flipping houses in 2020? We get this question all the time! Especially, if you are a beginner real estate investor…

Answer- You can make money flipping houses in 2020 even if you are a beginner real estate investor!

In this video we talk about how to start flipping houses and walk through a rehab with a new house flipper, Rachel! She closed on this house and now its time to start the rehab.

She asked Sam to come along and walk thru the rehab before she got started, so they could come up with rehab game plan!

This is the first part of a 3 part series where we will follow the newbie investor, Rachel, through her most recent flip!

Click on this link to Auto Subscribe to our Channel! All the cool cats and kittens are doing it!

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Call or text Sam directly @ 314-282-7474 to find out more about about our offerings or to connect and discuss real estate investing!

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